Tuesday 31 January 2012

Diabetes Inheritance and Causes

Dear Doctor,

I happened to come accross your column at a friend's place with whom

I am staying presently and I want to say I like the way you advice

and re-assure those who write you with their problems.This has

encouraged me to write to you.

I would like to know if it is possible for someone like me whose

parents are not diabetic to have diabetes .

Is it possible for a young boy like me who is twenty-one years to have

diabetes just like that? What are the symptoms of diabetes? Does it make

the male organ small and weak? Why I am asking this is because

sometime ago I noticed that after I urinate, some whitish

liquid comes out and it draws like okro though it's not quite as thick. It is

clear and whitish and doesn't smell badly or cause pain . I thought I had STD

at first but I was surprised because I have never slept with any woman

before and I don’t masturbate. .

Last month I summoned courage and went to the hospital and to my greatest

surprise I was told that it was semen escaping from my reproductive organs.

Now one of my friends has told me that this is a sign of diabetes. Is it true?

I am afraid because I know I take a lot of sweet things. Another one of

my friends told me that this condition is caused by smallness of my organ.

He further advised me to start having sex otherwise it would start

growing smaller. Dear doctor, how do I stop this problem? It has been

embarrassing me and it sometimes stains my trousers .

Do I go for a diabetes test? Likewise is it really true that lack of sex on

reaching maturity causes the male organ to remain small? How do I enlarge

my organ? Is it through starting to have sex frequently?

I thought of going to one of these places advertised frequently but I was held

back because I know that some of them are quacks and I don’t know if

such enlargment would leave me impotent .

Sir , I would be glad to receive your advice .

My friend tells me that SASE means self addressed stamped envelope

So I have sent one using his address.

Yours sincerely

Waleed Bibilari, Oyo

Dear Waleed,

Diabetes does not of necessity pass from parents to children-- its

inheritance pattern is not so direct--that is even when parents have

the disease. Yes diabetes runs in families but there

are environmental determinants that can trigger its manifestation even

when the genetic disposition is not there. So diabetes can just arise out

of "nowhere"--yes. Diabetes does not the cause any of the

things you have(although it can cause low libido--disinterest in sex as well

as erectile dysfunction or impotence).You say you've not had sex before

but what about necking andother such things including genital

or oral contact? They are significant in these cases, you know.

Do your test but let a doctor order it and it should prove

that you don’t have diabetes. Diabetes is not always inherited. It can

arise from nowhere. It's major symptoms are frequency of urination,

overmuch thirst, tingling sensations in the feet and hands, frequent

infections like boils, furuncles and carbuncles, slow healing ulcers,

or cuts or wounds, blurred vision, always tired or just no symptom at all.

For those with no symptom like you but who want to find out

if they could have or be prone to the disease the laboratory

may find they have what we call an impaired glucose tolerance

when and if they do the test of their glucose tolerance.

This your okro like discharge is a sign; not of diabetes but of chronic

prostatitis –a disease that is usually a complication; not of an STD

( it can be) but of UTI(urinary tract infection) which any one can have

whether they sex or not. The genitals, you see, perform three functions:

recreation, urination and procreation (reproduction). Now, chronic

prostatitis is a very insidious disease and because the prostate is an

organ through which all these three functions of the genitals pass, it

could cause problems in all the three-- that is the cause of your problem

and not diabetes. Anyone who, as a male, discharges any stuff without

sexual arousal has chronic prostatitis-full stop .

Most young men your age feel that they must have a horse size organ to be

men. Not so. It is not quantity in this matter but quality that women

consciously or uncounciously look for. If you have a king size organ

and lack technic your sex would not be able to satisfy a woman

-- never forget that.

Also never forget that it is indiscriminate sex that

causes problems(HIV,STD,AIDS ), not diabetes. Again, remember

that diabetes does not cause these problems that you ask about.

Your friend will push you into indiscriminate sex and that's where

the trouble will come from; Okay? So beware.Small organs are not

the cause of discharge, diabetes or anything; Okay?. Don't buy that notion.

It is un-educated; illiterate. Full stop.

Diabetes is a disease caused by the body's inability to handle

sugar /carbonhydrates properly because insulin is deficient or not working.

It does not mean that sweet things cause diabetes--

else ask the people of Western cultures who would have been suffering an

epidemic of diabetes on account of their liking for sweets at almost every

meal--dessert, iced cream, jelly, syrup etc. A correct, balanced and nutritous

diet as well as exercise and weight control are the things that help

prevent diabetes.


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