Saturday 15 March 2014

Marry Your Sweetheart!!!

Marry Your Sweetheart!!! Hi, I want to find out sincerely from u at to know the truth before venturing into it. The person I want to marry is very sincere, passionate for God which of course I do appreciate. The moment I proposed to her without asking much questions from her she told me her past live that she was involved in abortion twice by taking some pills that is used to prevent pregnancy. I still want to go ahead but I fear if there is any negative effect in future as I am not a doctor to know even though she told me there is no effect since she is on medical line but that thought kept coming to my mind. She told me such drug could be use to avoid one getting pregnant that people use it for family planning. That there are ones u inject in person that can last a year and all that. Will such things not cause delay in child bearing. Please reply do not publish on paper. Please sir what is your advise on this. Charlemagne Chike, Enugu Dear Charlemagne, Have no fears about our publishing anything because we take the precaution of changing both your name and location and other particulars, okay? Great. Now, considering the contraceptives this lady used to abort, have no fears also. Any side -effects of such medications usually last just a period of 6 months to one year after she has stopped using the medications and from the way you relate this, it would seem she had the abortions quite some time ago. So, no side -effects, no fears!!!Go straight ahead and marry your sweetheart, okay? It is good that you are trying to find out if there can be any negative effects from the meds but the truth is do not bother yourself. And one very good thing is — your heart –maybe not your brain — but your heart– says the same thing also –Marry Her.But the greatest thing she’s got going for her — and for you in marrying her are her fantastic qualities — integrity, honesty, straight-forwardness, courage and obvious love for you, her fellow man and her God. What a gem of a gal! So, go ahead; marry this angel and waste time no more!! Cheers How do I go about it?

Monday 10 March 2014

Help My Man Be A Man!!

Help My Man Be A Man!! Hi doc, I admire your approach to people's problem; you're really a source of help to humanity. May God continue to increase your wisdom. Please Sir, I want you to help my finance. He has problem with his organ. He's my soul mate; the person I have choose to spend the rest of my life with. I decided to be of help to him he told me his problem early and because of that I want to help him for I know with God all things are possible and there is a solution. He discovered the problem since 5yrs ago (with his ex-girl friend though). He has only tried sex once and was embarrassed. Since then he's stayed away from females until we met. He is dying of anxiety and worries but I assured him because I have confidence that he will be okay. He doesn't drink or smoke or masturbate and even when he watches blue films his organ doesn't move!!! It is weak and small in size and when he wakes up in the morning to ease himself it doesn't erect, but looking at him, you won't know that he has this kind of problem because he is muscular and about 5.9fit tall. Dr, I love him and I strongly believe that he will be treated successfully. I have confidence because I have seen it in your write up in the Sun newspaper where others with the same challenge are treated. Doctor, please we need your help. All through my life I have lived with children and will love to have children of my own. I'm24; he's 25yrs and we've never tried sex. But I did have sex during my adolescence with my boy friend then and I must confess I love sex. I mean I am the sexy type and my boy friend then was also a sex maniac so he always satisfied me. I wouldn't want to cheat on him. Please, doctor, what shall we do? Is there any negative effect if is not treated on time? Can he go for treatment even though we are not going to practice sex yet and what could likely be the cause? Dr. please advise us. We are far from each other. Is it advisable we marry now? Vivian Adejoh, Benue Dear Vivian, I must greatly commend your courage both - first in his own speaking out to you and then in your own reaching out for help. Kudos!! Again and secondly you are to be greatly commended in casting your lot with your love and thirdly in being pro-active about it--you are sexy and would expect action and wouldn't want to be unfaithful. Wonderful!! Too many folks refuse to air burdens and die with them. What you describe is so painfully common and typical I really cannot add to it but just give good news to you and all sufferers of these problems -- there is a cure for you; there is help. Sexual cripples can be perfectly normal again. The likely causes? The effects of certain medications, Diabetes (maybe hidden), Chronic Prostatitis, Stress, Anxiety Neurosis, Erectile Dysfunction, Organ-in-Bondage and idiopathic(unknown). An e mail to will give you fuller details and when both individuals are ready to engage the problem together, results are better guaranteed. Germs responsible for prostatitis can, apart from erectile dysfunction like you complain of about your man, also cause low or zero sperm count by simply killing off the sperm cells produced by the testes and passing through the prostate into the woman at sex; causing infertility. Staphylococcus is one such germ that causes this. Marrying now? The best thing for your flaming love -it's wisest to strike when the iron is hot. Marry now. Get treatment for him now-- don't forget you need him badly, so don't waste time and after we treat him and turn him into a hungry lion for you, you can begin to have those kids fast. Cheers