Saturday 7 January 2012

"Postinor"/ Emergency Contraception

Dear Dr,
Happy New Year Sir,
I was raped on the third of January by three guys. My question is that what effect does Postinor 2 have? Also always before the end of my flow, some meatish stuff comes out. Please help.
Nene Wysear, Warri

Dear Nene,
The precise mode of action of POSTINOR-2 is not known. At the recommended regimen, is thought to work mainly by preventing ovulation and fertilization if the intercourse has taken place in the preovulatory phase, when the likelihood of fertilization is the highest. POSTINOR-2 may also cause endometrial changes that discourage implantation. POSTINOR-2 is not effective once the process of implantation has begun.
"Postinor" (levonorgestrel )is an after-sex contraceptive (as against before sex) that needs to be known by all ladies -- simply for the emergency situation of rape which no woman prays for and whose effect-- production of an unwanted, unloved and unpalatable bastard-- must positively be resisted and stopped. In fact it is called an emergency contraceptive, morning after or day after pill. A woman can also use it if for whatever reason she feels her normal method to stop conception has failed --maybe a burst condom? Or when she was careless and did not use any contraception before sex, however, it should be used just once in a while -not as your regular contraceptive, please-- and certainly not more than once in a menstrual cycle -- and is simply swallowed up to 72 hours after sex. That means up to 3 days after. It is available at chemists and must be used strictly as instructed -- there are 2 pills and you take one exactly 12 hours after taking the first one -- all within the 72 hour window -- the earlier after sex you start -- the better, of course-- which means you can take it immediately after sex. It works by a) stopping the ovary releasing the egg) preventing fertilization by the sperm c) preventing implantation of a fertilized ovum. Meatish stuff during menses means you had a missed abortion -- a miscarriage –as in -- you got pregnant, did not know you did and the baby developed inside you for a while - and then died inside -- again, without your knowledge -- and the meatish stuff is the dead baby coming out, simple

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