Friday 18 November 2011

To Stop Menstrual Pain

To Stop Menstrual Pain

Dear Doctor Sir,
How are you doing over there? Hope fine? Due to certain circumstances I
stopped communicating. Well, my question is, is there any thing to stop
menstrual pain permanently because it is really disturbing me?. Doctor,
please I need the answer urgently sir. Please help me; and also my face is
pretty smooth --as in -- I'm not having pimples -- but some things like
hot rashes appear, but they aren't. Will you help, please? The things don't
itch, anyway.
Bye sir, and take care.

Lilian Denure, Osun

Dear Lilian,
Menstrual pain is of 2 types --the primary and the secondary. If you always
had menstrual pain all your life --ever since you began to menstruate, we call
that Primary Dysmenorrhea.
Secondary Dysmenorrhea began only recently in the life of the lady sufferer --
she did not use to have the pain before.It just started in recent months. It
is called Secondary because it is actually secondary to certain problems or
conditions or disease that has only just recently overtaken the lady.Three of such
conditions are P I D--Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Endometriosis and Fibroids.
The commonest cause in Nigeria is P I D. PID has to be diagnosed and treated
properly if it will not cause Secondary Infertility. When and if the underlying
cause of Secondary Dysmenorrhea is treated, it disappears--and that is all.
Primary Dysmenorrhea is a different kettle of fish and happens usually to
ladies whose internal passage (the cervix --not the vagina now) where the mens--
trual fluid will pass from the womb to the outside --to the upper vagina -- is too narrow or under--
developed -- a condition known as Cervical Hypoplasia. They get permanent relief
after they deliver their first baby through the cervix (Spontaneous Vaginal
Delivery--in contradistinction to Caeserian Section where the baby does not
pass through the cervix. Note that I said they will get relief after normal
delivery-- I did not say they will get relief after sex--these are 2 different
things. It is not the sex that is needed but the delivery which helps to widen
the hypoplastic(small, underdeveloped and narrow cervix, not vagina). The vagina is where
the penis stays during sex. But beyond the vagina in any normal lady is the cervix--located at
the top end of the vagina. This cervix is the gateway into the womb or uterus.
Before delivery of babies, however our lady sufferer will have to use pain
killers to stop menstrual pain. Ordinary aspirin will help. So will Alabukun,
paracetamol, Panadol or Cafenol.The best drugs to use, however are the
Non-Steroidal Anti- Inflammatory drugs or NSAIDS. They block the action of
the Prostaglandins which are the real culprit behind the pain of Primary
Dysmenorrhea. NSAIDS must never be taken on an empty stomach just like
aspirin,Alabukun and Cafenol but must be taken with milk.
4 other things will help. a)Warm water bottle applied to the belly, b)Exercise or activity--not
bed rest which will worsen the pain, c)massage of the pelvis, waist and back, d)Contraceptive
pills or injections.
Use these; see how they help and send me feedback.
Your rashes must be seen to be properly diagnosed--no way I can begin to guess
what they are unless I see you face to face --or maybe photos of the rashes; okay?

Dr Caleb Bibbi Oluranti

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