Saturday 12 November 2011

Boils on the Genitals

Boils on the Genitals
Dear Doctor,
I've been reading your responses to people's questions to regarding their health situation; I must say that I'm glad so far. Please doctor, for sometime now, I've been having some boils around my private parts --the groin to be specific. It appears like pimples. It’s actually like pimple, because any time it's ripe, it does brings out some whitish substance like that of pimple. Please help me out. Expecting your reply through this medium if possible.
Thanks. Yours
Shegelu Shadomi
Dear Shege,
Your question is very relevant because you find a lot of folks with the same concern--boils, pimples, bumps or some hard nodules or papules near, at or on their genitals. What could it be?
The best approach is to ask yourself the question--what is the origin? Did it just begin or has it been coming and going for a long time? If it began a long while ago, how did it start--just after sex with a particular person--or what?
Because --here is the first major distinction that will give you peace of mind--if it is a question of no sexual contact at all then it is very likely to be nothing to write home about . General, non sex related causes of boils are bad hygiene and diabetes as well as kidney infection and generally lowered immunity.
Then talking non sexually again you must understand that the genitals, like the armpits, the face the buttocks and some other parts of the body where skin lies on skin and there is likely to be friction contain a lot of oily glands; sweat glands and so on and are prone to have these boils--yes they are just ordinary boils--naturally.
It is nothing to worry about. The hair follicle could get infected because the hair has grown inside on its itself --called ingrown hair follicle. It could also be a cyst --these ones tend to extrude some whitish or liquid stuff when pressed. They are inconsequential. Incidentally these boils are all likely to be caused by the ubiquitous germ --ever p[resent on the skin well known and referred to as Staphylococcus aureus--harmless really unless it gets deep into tissues like the prostate, brain, inner lining of the heart or lungs or causes food poisoning.
Having said this I must warn that you always need to see a doctor to actually look see any skin problem because to assume could be deadly. Particularly if there is a recent history of sexual exposure you will need to rule out things like syphilitic chancre, genital warts, herpes and molluscum contagiosum; and Behcet's Syndrome and so on and so forth. These sexually transmitted or sexually associated conditions need to be thoroughly assessed by doctors trained to do so.
If you stay in a capital or city or University town, your best bet is to go and see a dermatologist at the University teaching hospital or Federal Medical Centre or even the General Hospital.There you will find dermatological evaluation which, really is the best for you

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