Monday 29 August 2011

Causes of Vaginal Discharge?

Causes of Vaginal Discharge?

Dear Dr,
For quite some time now, I have had worrying vaginal discharge that has refused to go. I am embarrassed and distressed and wonder what can be the cause of this? Can you please explain the causes of the condition
Madam Magana Yakare, Maiduguri

Dear Madam,
The best way to find out what is the cause of a woman's discharge is to do a test called HVS-- High Vaginal Swab-- a test done by the doctor to discover the cause of a woman's discharge or infection
Note these ten points about vaginal discharge and you will have rest of mind
1. All adult women have a Normal Vaginal Discharge that is white like coconut or akamu; does not smell and does not itch. It is also, not plenty.
2. This normal discharge can also be a little abnormal in one or two situations-- normal discharge that has become too plentiful. The first is during ovulation-- this is referred to as ovulation mucus.
3. There is also what is referred to as Leucorrhea in pregnancy -- the pregnant woman secretes and discharges normal vaginal secretion more than the non pregnant. This is not disease in as much as all of us agree that pregnancy is not a disease!!!
4.Of course, after sex, when the penis has gained entry into the vagina, there is an artificial increase in the woman's discharge --it is nothing but the excess seminal fluid flowing out of the vagina; okay? Nothing to worry about.
5. Candidiasis, Moniliasis or Yeast infection are synonyms for the same condition that is recognized as the single most common cause of female genital discharge as well as itching among human females. It needs treatment. It is not normal. The discharge is whitish or creamy, itchy seriously and plentiful.
6. Trichomoniasis is another cause of vaginal discharge. Trichomoniasis is itchy in the extreme. It affects the male partner also; who unless he is treated concomitantly (at the same time) will promptly pass it back to the female in an eternal ping-pong like game which the inexperienced doctor cannot stop. The disease can be transmitted via toilet seats or swimming pools. The discharge here is not white, is seriously smelly (at times like fish) and can have funny colours-- green or yellow.
7. Gardnerellosis or Bacterial Vaginosis is the name of a third affliction that can cause abnormal discharge from the vagina whose treatment is the same as Trichomoniasis and is named after a certain Dr Gardner who discovered it.
8. Vaginal discharge can also be increased and abnormal -- but not itchy in Chlamydia-- a Sexually Transmitted Disease where treatment must also include both partners -- and which can cause infertility. Chlamydia infection will almost always also affect urination –with pain, burning or discomfort, frequency or other troubles in addition to the discharge. It is important to note, also, that in Chlamydia infections it can happen that there may simply be no symptom at all, in some cases.
9. Gonorrhea causes a cervicitis -- inflammation of the cervix -- that gives a vaginal discharge too and the only way to find out if it is gonorrhea is to do the test I mentioned above-- called the HVS--High Vaginal Swab with m,c,s-- microscopy, culture and sensitivity.
10. The only other time a woman may have some bad discharge is when there is a foreign body inserted into her vagina--forgotten menstrual stuff or tampon usually or some other foreign body. This is why any complaint of Vaginal Discharge must be thoroughly investigated. There is no way a lady having discharge can be properly treated without examining her vaginally; no way. And, like I said, there must be an HVS taken to find out the exact type of germ causing the infection; so that appropriate measures to save the woman's reproductive health and fertility can be taken. For further help, just call the helplines

1 comment:

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