Monday 2 April 2012

Bad Mouth Odour

Bad Mouth Odour

Dear Doctor,
I have been reading you, and you are doing a good job by enlightening the
reader's mind. Well I want you to know what is mouth odour,the cause and
what to do to correct it. Reply me via e mail

Thank you,
HNL, Lokoja

Dear HNL,

We refer to bad mouth odour as halitosis and it can be caused by myriad
problems. Let me list at least a dozen. 1.Too many people have no
bad mouth odour; they only believe they have it--and that is a
psychological problem. If you smelt such folks' breaths, you find nothing,
yet they insist their mouths are smelling. The dentist or doctor should
refer such cases to the psychiatrist or clinical psychologist.
2.Garlic and Onions; Tobacco and other foods, herbs, alcohol and such
stuff should be not be forgotten.3.Tonsillitis/Pharyngitis or
what is referred to as sore-throat-- some times stones 4.Liver diseases such as
cirrhosis or liver failure 5. Kidney Diseases 6.Blood Diseases 7.Diseases
of the Gall bladder 8.Menstruation 9.Sinus diseases such as sinusitis 10.
Chronic Indigestion 11.Lung diseases such as lung abscess 12. Diabetes
Of course these are medical causes. Dental causes must also not be
forgotten but investigated by the dentist. Disease of the gum--
(periodontal); dental abscess, cancer of the mouth; the overgrowth
of certain anaerobic bacteria, dry mouth caused by the use of certain
drugs, allergies, and so on and so forth. To tackle this condition,
see both a dentist and a doctor--not just a dentist alone. The psych--
iatrist/ clinical psychologist should also not be forgotten.

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