Saturday 23 July 2011

Pimples Perfectly Policed

Dear Dr,
I sent a message to you few days ago about having problems with acne(pimples) and eczema...I've tried several drugs and creams, it's just recurring...I'm 21 yrs old and it's been like that since when I'm 15...Help me with your prescriptions and advice...I'll be waiting for your reply on my mailbox...God bless you, Sir....

Dear TTJ,

I have owed pimple sufferers answers for quite a long time-- there must be scores of their unanswered letters with me right now-- so your pathetic letter must be allowed to be the last straw that will break the camel's back to make me pay up and answer. So, here we go:

Your pimples problem will definitely disappear if you follow the following religiously -- don't forget -- religiously follow the following. And then you can kiss your pimples goodbye.

1. Now, the truth is that you'll need up to 6 months of faithfully following these instructions to get on top of the problem; okay? That's number one.

2. Wash your face up to thrice a day to remove the over--oiliness that contributes to pimples by blocking the pores in the skin where the hair follicle goes in.

3. Get adequate rest and exercise

4. Drink at least ten cups of water daily-- 3 on arising in the morning; 3 each after breakfast, lunch and dinner; 3 before you retire at night.

5. Avoid oily foods --especially the ones you have discovered help the pimples.

6. Tetracycline (not Griseofulvin) capsules are particularly useful for and against pimples. Use as prescribed for nothing less than 6 weeks. Some use Erythromycin. Get a doctor to prescribe for you.

7. Look for Retin-A containing creams and use on the pimples as directed. Iso-tretinoin is another very good over--the--counter medicament that is similar to Retin--A-- a relative of Vitamin A. But Iso -tretinoin should not be used by pregnant women; okay?

(Tretinoin and its isomer isotretinoin are useful in treating comedonal acne but patients should be warned that some redness and skin peeling might occur initially but settles with time. Several months of treatment may be needed to achieve an optimal response and the treatment should be continued until no new lesions develop.

Topical isotretinoin is licensed to treat non-inflammatory and inflammatory lesions in patients with mild to moderate acne. Isotretinoin is also given by mouth)

8. Adapalene, a retinoid-like drug, is also licensed for mild to moderate acne. It is less irritant than topical retinoids. Just ask the pharmacist for creams that contain these drugs.

9. Another very useful substance against pimples is benzoyl peroxide. Use twice a day.

10. Never pick at pimples-- you will add dark scars to your face.

11. Depression will lower your immunity so you cannot afford to be depressed because of your condition. Rather, you need to be but always cheerful. You, at least are alive. The best is yet to come.

12. Why do some get pimples? It's in the family, that's all. And your age-- you'll hardly see a 35 year old with pimples! It’s the teenagers and that's well understood. So relax, it’s a passing phase; you'll soon outgrow it.

PS-- if these does not work; then we'll use some drastic measures-- just keep me informed; okay?

Dr.Caleb Bibbi Oluranti

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