Wednesday 27 July 2011

Last Child 4 years Ago!!

Last Child 4 years Ago!!!
Dr, please if one has low sperm count, does it mean that one can not be able to pregnant a woman any longer? Is that infertility? Please I need your candid advice, because am dying in silence. We had our last child for the past four years ago. Thanks for your help.
Golden Guinea Joe; Lagos

Dear Golden Guinea,
Consider these five facts:
1. In 1998, I had the distinction of getting a certain man into a bad quandary -- he was azoospermic --had been tested in the best hospitals in town and had been confirmed -- zero -- not low -- but zero sperm count!! But by the grace of God we got his wife pregnant in less than a month! What was the bad jolt? He thought I had impregnated his wife by adultery--maybe when he sent her with the driver to the clinic!! Of course, there was nothing of the sort-- God only helped us as He had been doing. When you come, you will learn how we do it because we will have the chance to show you the ropes. 2. As medical scientists and practitioners, low sperm count is when there are less than 20 million sperm cells in a millilitre of semen. Some quote less than 40 million. The upper limit? Well the lower figure is 300 million. The upper? 600. I once had a patient from Maiduguri whose count was 750 million per ml! Yes, with low sperm count as obviously with zero sperm count, it is more difficult to impregnate the woman; infertility is a reality. 3. With zero sperm count it is impossible medically -- the only way being a very costly hi-tech new method called ICSI --Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection. We did not use ICSI on our lucky dad above. 4. Sperm count alone is not all the story. You can have a good count, but have bad quality -- so 40-60% motile (moving) and 40 to 60 % normal --not abnormal-- in morphology that is in looks (because some have double heads and other monstrous looks and abnormalities) is acceptable. Anything less than 40% is not good. 5. What causes these calamitous scenarios? Infection -- and if you do a sperm count you ought to also check what germs are illegally present by a test called m, c, s (microscopy, culture and sensitivity) since, normally, no germs are supposed to be present-- and you may find Staphylococcus aureus, or Streptococcus or Coliform bacilli or E. Coli, Klebsiella or |Pseudomonas or what have you -- these are the major causes of infection, including, of course, Chlamydia and gonococcus which block the tubes. 6. The other cause is hormonal imbalance of the type we refer to as Testicular Failure -- again this has no cure --but with God all things are possible. Bottom line is, you can defeat this challenge if you are willing to work hard at three levels -- physically, mentally and spiritually. With God on your side -- there is nothing impossible

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