Monday 12 March 2012

Vaginal Discharge; Quack Doctors

Dear Doctor,

I'm a young Christian woman and a virgin but there is something I want to clarify.

I have this vaginal discharge which is whitish in colour -- atimes colurless . I have been to

hospital thrice to see doctors; was tested and specimens sent to lab but no result of any

infection-- however I was just treated in case of any infection.

My question is -- is it natural to have this discharge all the time without the presence

of any infection whatsoever? Because I have heard of fungus infection without any sexual contact.


Young Christian Virgin, Benue

Dear Young Christian Virgin,

I cannot but first of all greatly commend your great courage in being and remaining a virgin in

these times when to do so is becoming more and more unpopular.


You can be assured --as a virgin -- of the following dozen benefits--a) A proud confidence--

"the righteous are as bold as a lion"; b) No STD's -- no AIDS from promiscuity; c) No

unwanted pregnancies; d) No abortions and it's complications which can include death; e)No

infertility secondary to STD's; f) No spiritual complications and contamination -- covenants,

bond ages and yokes; g) The admiration, respect and appreciation of your future husband;

h)Satisfaction and high self esteem that you can control yourself; i) Joy by your parents that

you were well trained and that they did their job well; j) The joy and example you are to others;

k) And to your future children; l) The greatest joy that you are pleasing your conscience and

your God. Congratulations once again and please keep it up.

I must say that much as I seriously commend you, I must seriously sanction your three doctors

or quacks--I do not really believe they are or can be doctors --on three different counts. 1) They

are ignorant. 2)They are careless 3) They are dangerous. I'll explain.

In all my almost 20 years of media medicine I almost have never condemned any doctor --it's not

good for either the doctor or the profession; for the patient or for myself. And that is why I

refuse to agree you really saw true doctors--they must be quacks you saw--all three of them. I

mean, seriously.

Because, for goodness' sake, a true doctor--not a quack (you sure you really saw three true

doctors and not quacks? --people who never trained at medical school but are practicing what

they don't know) ought to know that all adult women secrete and produce from their vaginas a

normal discharge whose colour is white like ogi, akamu or the inside of a coconut? Surely all

doctors ought to know this elementary fact?Your ignorant quacks obviously did not know this

and for that reason I doubt their certificates. Full stop.

But then --if they did not know and they now did the next best (and incidentally commendable)

thing -- sent a specimen to the lab; when the results came back to show that you are infection

free-- why, for God's sake, did they go ahead to give you UNNEEDED antibiotics anyway? For

this, they must suffer the accusation of carelessness of the highest order. If there is no infection--

bacterial-- to treat, why would you be giving antibiotics?

The dangers of this move are far--reaching. a) You can, because of the use of unnecessary

antibiotics, upset the very delicate balance of organisms in your system and thus develop fungal

infection of yeast which you mentioned --this is one way a virgin can get this problem.; how,

without sexual exposure a lady can get infected with fungi b) Again,

unneeded antibiotics help bacterial germs to become resistant to antibiotics thus causing

resistant germs to prevail in the community such that when indeed we really need the antibiotics

to treat some actual (not imaginary) infection or the other in you or in someone else in the

community who has become infected by that particular strain of bug, WE FIND THEM



Be all that as it may. Now let's listen and learn, shall we?

Just like all mouths produce a liquid called saliva and this liquid is colourless and

harmless, so also all adult vaginas produce this white, offwhite or sometimes

colourless (during ovulation) liquid that is harmless and does not need

investigation or alarm.Okay? The distinction that you, all women and your quacks need to know is this --

Once your discharge as a woman is too plenty, itches or

smells then there is disease and this must be investigated properly and treated.

The knowledge of the above is the beginning-- the very foundation or the most

elementary part of gynecological wisdom.


Dr Caleb Bibbi Oluranti

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