Wednesday 28 March 2012

Organ Enlargement?

Dear Doctor,

I am a 23 year old male trying to complete Post graduate work while holding a job and I have a rather peculiar problem -- I wonder if you could help find a solution to it?

My male organ causes me shame. The peculiar thing is -- I have absolutely no problem with the ladies or sex, functionality or performance. I really do not care about the girls and what they feel about my organ. I do understand how these things do not really depend on size but on other factors. My problem is with the boys. When they are around --as in when we bathe together -- they always make fun of me. That's what is really bothering me.

Now I've seen continued and repeated indications in the press that the size of the male organ can be increased. What do you think? Are such claims authentic? What should I do?

Bob Batamioja

Sabongida Ora, Edo State

Dear Bob,

The subject of your query is really very interesting for a number of reasons. The twist your own angle gives the problem is a very intriguing one. You clearly know enough not to be bothered about the girls --it's the boys you're concerned about. Interesting. Really interesting. To begin to tackle the problem you posed, let me say from the beginning that,yes, its true--it's now possible to enhance limited parts of the body -- enlarge; reduce, expand, narrow -- do whatever you want to the face, to the breasts, to the penis; to the vagina; to the nose --a la Michael Jackson -- to the ears, to the --anywhere --the bum; the thighs, the tummy --all things are now possible. True.

It did not use to be that way in the past.

But let's not forget we are now in the 21st century. Coming back to your male organ size problem, in those days we used to counsel the men to realize that size is not all that makes sex. The slogan was -- it's not the quantity but the quality. I still remember the gentleman professional who, at 42, and having already completed his family told me about the problem he had with the small size of his organ. When I, surprised, asked him what his wife thought --they'd been married some 18 years at least-- he said to me "My wife has told me over and over again that she has no problem at all with my size and that I really do satisfy her. He even told me he had been very good with sex since his boyhood days having had good, satisfying sex with the neighbour's housemaid when he was only 13! "What was the problem then?" I discovered it was this: as he grew up, one day he discovered that his younger brother's organ seemed to look bigger than his. From that day he had had the fixed idea that "this penis of mine is way too small". Full stop!! So it's a little more complex than --like you say--"functionality" or sexuality. It's what we call in medical parlance -- a body image problem.

If you have a problem understanding that, just think of, say a person who has a goitre. Or an amputee --the hand has been cut off. Or a woman who has had a mastectomy--her breast has been cut off, or a dwarf or a cripple or someone who's just too fat or busty. You'll easily see and agree that these folks will normally have a body image problem -- its obvious that a part of their bodies is diseased and missing or sticking out. Not all body image problems are so obvious however -- like the person with only one testis, or is infertile. The most interesting thing about this type of condition, however is that the folks who have this problem the most are the adolescents who are not really sick in any way except that they are just dissatisfied with their bodies one way or the other -- "I'm too thin, too short, too tall, too deep voiced; I have pimples that won't go; my breasts won't grow or I'm too small in my penis"!!

We used to tell these folks in those good old days to just forget it and thank God they are alive at all and better than the blind guy or the deaf or the lame. It worked some--and we felt good until you heard that the guy you sent home to forget about his problems as a none issue -- nothing to write home about ---- committed suicide last week and left a note to the effect that he cannot any longer live with his problem!. So we take that view no more. No more-- if the fella thinks it serious then IT IS SERIOUS. Who are you anyway to determine what is serious to another person? Isn't it a well known aphorism that one man's meat is another man's poison? And since most of these perceived or actual body image problems can now be removed outright by surgery(plastic or cosmetic surgery it's called) or ameliorated or bettered by drugs, injections, herbs and so on,why must anyone suffer any psychological trauma that's unnecessary? And yes, there are Nigerian experts that work on these areas of health, surgery, medicine or herbs! So we've had a paradigm shift. And that's just as well!!

Let me sound a note of warning here however-- you'll need a sort of road map or guide/counseling to choose what suits you. If you send a Self Addressed, Stamped Envelope(SASE) or e mail, we'll be glad to help you with further information.

Please do not go and kill yourself because of body image problems. That's not necessary anymore. There's help waiting for you out there. Just reach out for it.

It's really a great time to be alive, you must agree!

The above was written years ago. NOW, it is clear that breast enlargement, penis enlargement without surgery are both possible. absolutely no side effects. Just call the helplines

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