Thursday 17 October 2019

Can I Douche (Wash Inside My Vagina)?

Can I Douche (Wash Inside My Vagina)? Dear Dr, I have a question that has bothered me for some time. Can I wash inside my vagina? Is it okay medically? I would have thought there was nothing the matter with doing this-- that is washing inside the vagina-- but someone told me recently that it is bad and that doctors don't recommend it. If so, why? I believe you are going to give me the correct and comprehensive answer Thank you Gina Gonkola, Mubi Dear Gina, PLEASE DO NOT DOUCHE!!! That’s because douching changes the balance of natural chemicals and healthy bacteria in your vagina and can make it easier for you to get dangerous infections!!!! Most ladies want to clean inside to prevent discharge or fluid from your vagina that is not normal such as thick and white (like cottage cheese) or yellowish-green and bad-smelling discharge. Discharge changes throughout your menstrual cycle, but it normally looks clear, cloudy white, and/or yellowish. If you are not sure if your discharge or fluid is normal, have your doctor check you out. What then is the best way to clean my vagina if I am not to clean inside? It is best to let your vagina clean itself. The vagina cleans itself naturally by making mucous. The mucous washes away blood, semen, and vaginal discharge. If you are worried about vaginal odor, talk to your doctor. But you should know that even healthy, clean vaginas have a mild odor that changes throughout the day. Physical activity also can give your vagina a stronger, muskier scent, but this is still normal. Keep your vagina clean and healthy. Just Wash the outside of your vagina with warm water when you bathe. Some women also use mild soaps. But, if you have sensitive skin or any current vaginal infections, even mild soaps can cause dryness and irritation. Avoid scented tampons, pads, powders, and sprays. These products may increase your chances of getting a vaginal infection. Be warned; be cautious; be safe Cheers Dr.Caleb Bibbi Oluranti 08093142261; 08033466574; 08028240983; 08156697540

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