Saturday 20 June 2020

The Origin of My Hypertension

The Origin of My Hypertension Sometimes in year 2011 I had a dream where certain people were pursuing me. It was a hot chase they gave and as I was getting exhausted, I ran into a house for refuge. Immediately I entered this house where I was then squatting with a friend, her teenage daughter emerged from the bedroom and threw a bomb at me. On realizing that the house was not also safe for me, I forcefully opened my eyes to wake up from the terrible dream. It was after I came up to consciousness that I began to ponder on the dream and its implications. Then I remembered – the dream occurred shortly after I returned from a visit to my mother in my home state where I had gone to help nurse her out of a stroke she suffered. Although my mother was a little above a hundred years of age when she suffered the stroke attack, God honoured my nursing and the prayer I made on her behalf to grant her full recovery. This gave everyone joy and greater faith in God’s power to secure lives. To the glory of God my mother and the close relatives who were taking care of her testified that it was after I prayed with her over the phone that her recovery process took a dramatic turn for good. Now we were still thanking God for the divine intervention on my mom when that very attack in my dream came. As l later realized that it was shortly after the dream that I started having high blood pressure, I decided to seek God's face in the prayer of inquiry, the Lord made me to understand that the attack came as retaliation for my standing in the gap for my mother. Since my prayers and those of other brethren prevented her death, the evil ones decided to attack. But knowing the fact that Christ has made provision for my healing, I always call off the satanic bluffs each time it wants to intimidate me with the episodes of high blood pressure. I also hold on tenaciously to God’s promise of divine health. Doctor, what should I do to regain my full health now – I mean in view of these facts I narrated above? Alero Olorogun,Warri Dear Alero, Congratulations for the insight you have as to the origin of your predicament with hypertension. A lot of folks do not know the genesis of their problems with health or other challenges. A pity. What you should do? a) Begin by thanking God for your good fortune and the discoveries you made. b) See your doctor and get him to check you up and prescribe anti-hypertensives for you c) Use your prescriptions religiously. Follow the medical regime put in place for you. d) Do not discard the special insight given you as to the origin of your hypertension. e) Get a priest to help you along in prayer as you add prayer to your treatment. Like a car, with body, accessories and engine, man is body soul and spirit all working together as one unit. Prayer is vintage therapy for matters with a spiritual origin. Prayer does not harm things; rather it helps. So, if a spiritual bomb planted hypertension in your domain, f)Forgive those who wronged you or attacked you before God. g)Obtain deliverance to return hypertension to sender. g)Keep doing these – take care of physical, mental or psychological, and spiritual all together till the doctor pronounces you free of hypertension. When he does, you can forget your anti-hypertensive drugs. It is possible to get the better of any health condition, whatever it is called, by following the outline above and tweaking it to custom. Call for help to clarify or understand any matter you want to sort out. Cheers Dr. Caleb Bibbi Oluranti

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