Saturday 15 March 2014

Marry Your Sweetheart!!!

Marry Your Sweetheart!!! Hi, I want to find out sincerely from u at to know the truth before venturing into it. The person I want to marry is very sincere, passionate for God which of course I do appreciate. The moment I proposed to her without asking much questions from her she told me her past live that she was involved in abortion twice by taking some pills that is used to prevent pregnancy. I still want to go ahead but I fear if there is any negative effect in future as I am not a doctor to know even though she told me there is no effect since she is on medical line but that thought kept coming to my mind. She told me such drug could be use to avoid one getting pregnant that people use it for family planning. That there are ones u inject in person that can last a year and all that. Will such things not cause delay in child bearing. Please reply do not publish on paper. Please sir what is your advise on this. Charlemagne Chike, Enugu Dear Charlemagne, Have no fears about our publishing anything because we take the precaution of changing both your name and location and other particulars, okay? Great. Now, considering the contraceptives this lady used to abort, have no fears also. Any side -effects of such medications usually last just a period of 6 months to one year after she has stopped using the medications and from the way you relate this, it would seem she had the abortions quite some time ago. So, no side -effects, no fears!!!Go straight ahead and marry your sweetheart, okay? It is good that you are trying to find out if there can be any negative effects from the meds but the truth is do not bother yourself. And one very good thing is — your heart –maybe not your brain — but your heart– says the same thing also –Marry Her.But the greatest thing she’s got going for her — and for you in marrying her are her fantastic qualities — integrity, honesty, straight-forwardness, courage and obvious love for you, her fellow man and her God. What a gem of a gal! So, go ahead; marry this angel and waste time no more!! Cheers How do I go about it?

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