Friday 16 September 2011

Save My Marriage

Am I Selfish? Save My Marriage!

Doc Sir,
I love my wife so much. My problem with her is that without licking her vagina before sex she doesn't enjoy it and she always accused me of being selfish because without the latter she would not reach her apex. Her vagina is so tight that is I must do it (lick her vagina) to enable her enjoy it. What is the adverse effect of this action to me health wise and what do you recommend? Secondly, I am in my early Fifties and I hardly spent thirty seconds before releasing sperm which is another problem threatening my home. What type of drugs or cream would you recommend for us/me to prolong my sexual duration? Sometimes after I am through, that is when she is about reaching her orgasm and instead of thanking me for a job well done all I would receive from her is hisses, mockery and rebuke. Help me save my marriage sir. She even hints that it is because m penis is not big enough. What do you say?
Wilting Wande, Wasinmi

Dear Wande,

Listen. You have done nothing right once you release within 30 seconds! That is a major disaster and prime cause of this crisis. Yeah I know --it is not your fault --as in you want it to last longer, but cannot do so and do not know how to-- I understand. But, that is a major cause of the challenge because your woman needs you to last and last and last till she reaches her apex-- that is the way a woman is made, you see --and that is where your problem lies. So really --YOU ARE AT FAULT -- you do not know your job, okay? You talk about a job well done? Nothing of the sort, sir --in fact, you’ve been doing a very bad job of it, Sir; I guarantee you!! Her vagina is not tight--- it feels so because there is not enough lubrication-- she has not been helped to get wet enough before you enter her -- that is why it feels so. And what you need to get her wet enough is LOTS OF FOREPLAY!!! You release the stuff faster than you want to, not because her vagina is too tight but because you are too sensitive --and so, cannot last long enough for her and you are so because you have Chronic Prostatitis (CPR), okay? The reason why the vagina feels so tight is that you feel too stimulated by it and you pour your load too fast as a result. This happening or phenomenon is called Premature Ejaculation and is usually sequel to CPR. Because you pour within 30seconds AND WOMEN NEED MORE THAN 30 SECONDS ACTION TO CLIMAX, you are actually starving your wife of love. She sees you get satisfied as you climax but she never does -- and does not understand what is going on with you -- so she feels you are deliberately denying her any enjoyment -- that is why she hisses and complains, and feels it is maybe your size that is the cause, okay? She decides to tell you or teach you what to do – please stimulate me this way--- and she begins to feel very ready so that when you come in you do not have to last so long before she herself gets to orgasm. You do not appreciate her sacrifice because you do not understand what is going on and, because of fear of disease, you are afraid of complying and licking her up to stimulate her. This is your problem!!!Men are faster than women -- that is just nature and most men, not knowing this very vital piece of information, do not know how to satisfy their wives/women. We’ll send a manual on the subject to anybody who requests it but bottom line is there is no health hazard for you both if this condition is met –that you are both faithful to each other --no outside sex. Where there is outside sex, you can get syphilis, chlamydia, HIV, gonorrhea and herpes and papilloma virus with oral sex. Oral sex (cunnilingus --mouth on vagina or fellatio -mouth on penis) is controversial for many reasons-- but the bottom-line is if done within faithful monogamous marriage there is no health risk and if both partners agree and understand there is nothing wrong with it; okay? And done in such understanding, there is no spiritual danger – it is whatsoever is not of faith that is sin. If anyone feels different, no problem, so long as there is not any force or co-coercion from anyone. Do not do what your conscience is against. But educate yourselves both -- to BE AGREED whichever way. Whichever side you both now decide to stay, it is alright. If one person does not agree, then LOVE dictates that the other party fore-go the controversial. So, educate yourself about sex (yes sex looks natural enough but it can be complicated if you don't know some facts). Then get treated for premature ejaculation/CPR so you can last longer. All men who cannot last long or feel or actually suffer some inadequacy or the other in the bedroom, her e is good news—all of that can be naturally corrected—erection on demand; larger size; lasting as long as you want –madam will love it!!! Discuss things with your wife and apologize for your sexual inadequacy. To order for our "How to Satisfy Her" manual, email to us -- Visit You can also call the help lines

1 comment:

  1. "I am glad I came across your article on how to Save My Marriage Today . The situations and solutions presented are real, practical and simple to implement. Other websites painted a picture that marriage should be absolutely perfect and have no problems but we all know that's impossible to achieve. However your Spell has shown me that marriage needs work and a change in certain attitudes and behaviors, and after that things are not as complicated as we like to think. Thank you Dr Lawrence you for Saving My Marriage and for helping me get my marriage back on track!" I hope this helps somebody out here i highly recommend Dr Lawrence for those seeking help to restore their love life to contact him what-apps +1914 208 8349 or email
