Friday 20 September 2019

The Cry of a Virgin

The Cry Of A Virgin!!! DEAR DOC, I READ YOUR COLUMN IN THE SUN NEWSPAPER, THANKS FOR THE WONDERFUL WORKS YOU ARE DOING.MAY GOD BLESS YOU. I AM A YOUNG LADY OF 26YRS OLD.I HAD THIS PROBLEM EATING ME UP AND I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT. SOME OF MY NEIGHBOURS GUYS AMONG WHICH ARE GRADUATES IN OUR COMPOND WHERE DISCUSSING ABOUT \'VIGINITY,:,THEY SAID IT IS NOT GOOD AT ALL TO GET MARRIED TO A GIRL THAT IS STILL A VIRGIN.THAT DOING THAT,YOU WILL SUBJECT YOURSELF TO 'RANCOUR'(LONG LASTING SUFFERING, BECAUSE: 1.THE GIRL WILL NEVER KNOW OR LEARN HOW TO KEEP YOU HAPPY THROUGH SEX WHICH IS A PREREQUISITE FOR MARRIAGE... 2.SHE WILL ALWAYS BE LAMENTING WHENEVER YOU MISTAKENLY DO SOMETHING BAD TO HER 3.SHE WILL NOT OBEY YOU AT ALL BECAUSE SHE WILL BE FULL OF PRIDE KNOWING THAT SH IS VIRGIN BEORE YOU MARRIED HER.... 4.YOU WILL JUST CONSIDER YOURSELF UNFORTUNATE TO THE END OF YOUR LIFE. 5.YOU WILL SUFFER VERY WELL AS YOU SLEEP WITH THEM THE FIRST TIME-NO ENJOYMENT 6.YOU WILL SUBJECT THEM TO LONG SUFFERING AT CHILDBIRTH IF THEY GET PREGNANT THE FIRST TIME KNOWING FULLY WELL THAT THEIR SYSTEM IS NOT FULLY ABLE TO CARRY ANY BABY. SO I AM SO ANGRY ABOUT THIS KNOWING FULLY WELL THAT I AM A VIRGIN..... AND NOT ONLY THAT, I HAVE HEARD THIS STORY QUITE A NUMBER OF TIMES EVEN WHEN I WAS STILL IN THE UNIVERSITY. PLEASE WHAT DO I DO? THEY ARE VERY SERIOUS. I THINK THIS IS MY MAJOR PROBLEM BECAUSE MEN USED TO RUN AWAY FROM ME WHEN THEY FOUND OUT THAT I AM STILL A VIRGIN..DOES IT MEAN THAT I WILL NOT GET MARRIED? BUT I THINK WHAT THEY ARE SAYING IS TRUE.BUT WHAT DO YOU SAY TO THIS? Genevieve Akinduro, Ondo Dear Genevieve, What I say? What I say does not matter in any way. WHAT GOD SAYS is WHAT MATTERS. Let God be true but all men liars -- that's what the Bible says!!! Who created sex? Who thought of sex first? Who gave man the gift of feeling... of enjoyment ... of sex? Think of it. God created a man--- and then the woman from the man. He could have gone on creating in that asexual way or mode --just like bacteria dividing -- no enjoyment -- no feeling -- just divide into two. Or he himself could directly be producing men from a factory -- no involvement of any man. But out of his love he shares creation with us -- in sex -- with enjoyment for us -- but with RULES -- how to use it well and preserve our protection and purity. He is so generous and creative --and he shares this all with us Who created the penis like an arrow? Who created the vagina like a sheath to receive this arrow? Who...GOD. Now the question is not what I think because it does not matter. It is WHAT DOES GOD THINK? Well, God obviously prefers a virgin to a slut or a prostitute or promiscuity. The mother of Jesus had to be a virgin. But it seems your boys want a prostitute...Think about it!!!! THEY ARE EITHER LIARS OR ... PERVERTS. Because there is no man whose manhood does not go stronger (greater desire) at the prospect of meeting with a virgin? No man. Ask your dad, brother and priest. All other talk is just that -- mere talk -- deceit and lies. Or talk by a pervert. Again, who gets disease -- a virgin or a slut? I mean Sexually Transmitted Diseases? At least half a dozen of these diseases affect the newborn and blinden them at birth -- if medical supervision and precaution is lacking...Gonorrhea, Syphilis and Chlamydia. Herpes. HIV goes from mother to child and kills. Ectopic pregnancy kills -- virgins do not get it or these diseases. The diseases are the rewards of -- you know it -- loose living, promiscuity, jumping from bed to bed "to get experience”. Sexual inexperience of virgins is not a bad thing. The couple learn together and enjoy it. Yes, there is some pain at the onset but all that is easily overcome with time. There is no woman -- whether married or not -- who did not experience the pain anyway -- when she was disvirgined whether inside marriage or outside, so? --but the joy, the glory, the satisfaction, the purity of having it done right -- by your husband and in marriage GOD SAYS IT IS PLEASING TO HIM!!!. "MARRIAGE IS HONOURABLE IN ALL AND THE BED UNDEFILED. BUT WHOREMONGERS AND ADULTERESG GOD WILL JUDGE". Ease or difficulty of delivery of babies has nothing to do with virginity or promiscuity. The penis and its size cannot be compared to the head of a baby at full term. It is too small to make any difference --and do not forget I am a doctor who has delivered too many women. The type of man who thinks virginity is a drag does not deserve to get married to one and because a girl is a virgin does not mean her character in other areas is perfect so anyone can be rude to the husband. The virginity does not of necessity make a woman proud or humble. Continued in a fortnight… Dr. Caleb Bibbi Oluranti; 08093142261; 08057441699;08033466574;08028240983

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