Monday 13 May 2013

Post-Partum Depression/Baby Blues

Post-Partum Depression/Baby Blues Hello Doc, My questions are 3 fold:1). My baby's 6mos old. I'm moody, depressed, irritated, impatient and generally unhappy. Life's just one big, job, academics home etc. Baby's my 3rd and am 35 yrs old. Do you think it is postpartum depression? 2.) I had extensive episiotomy in all the 3 births. Now I'm so scared that my private place is in danger of so much scarring. If I dared to have another baby do you think it is dangerous? The pain is usually so much. 3) After birth, my BP has been hovering 140/80. Is it ok? My doctor put me on drugs when it was 160/100. Reply in my box, please. Madonna, Maiduguri Dear Madonna, It'd be best to call me /see a competent doctor/ psychiatrist so we can get to the root of your troubles but I'd want you to know that Post -Partum Depression and Pregnancy- related Hypertension are serious enough conditions to seek medical attention.Feeling sad after birth is common - it's called Baby Blues.It usually resolves on it's own. But when depression-- loss of energy and lack of activity is involved then we have PPD. That one will be needing doctors/psychiatrist to handle.If we could talk together with your hubby it would be wonderful. I do not share your fears about scarring and so on--majorly because you most likely will not to need an episiotomy in your next delivery if it is handled well. But when we talk, we'll be able to tackle it better.So, 1. yes you have PPD -- it's a diagnosis that subsists till 1 year after birth 2.Let's plan to have another baby-it's your right; ok? Scarring? Forget it 3.You need to be careful about your BP. 160/100 is bad; 140/90 not the best; we need to lower it.What was it before you got pregnant? This one needs special handling.Call the helplines.